新关注 > 信息聚合 > 清日常赚积分《炫舞吧》开创积分抵现新理念


Make clear the daily integral "dazzle dance" to create a new concept of integral arrived now

2016-01-22 14:34:12来源: 新浪

青春热舞类休闲网游《炫舞吧》,全新版本“爱情大作战”火爆开测,全新PVP系统、全新时装、全新模式等海量内容重磅登场。更值得一提的是,《炫舞吧》此次全新版本,将打造休闲类游戏最强经济体系——“积分系统”。 想在游戏中不花一分钱就将自己打扮成时尚达人,闪瞎别人的双眼么?那就赶快行动起来,...

Youth dance class casual games "dazzle dance", a new version of "love big battle" hot open test, a new PvP system, new fashion, a new mode of massive content blockbuster debut. More it is worth mentioning is that "dazzle dance" the new version, will create a casual games of the strongest economic system -- a "points system". Do not want to spend a penny in the game will be dressed up as a fashion talent, flashing eyes of others? Then act quickly,...