新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两只短腿蹦起来 与《涂鸦兔子》共度冒险旅途

两只短腿蹦起来 与《涂鸦兔子》共度冒险旅途

Two short legs jump to enjoy adventure journey with the graffiti rabbits

2016-01-19 15:01:04来源: 4399

《涂鸦跳跃》这系列的游戏,可能不少人都比较熟悉。最近隔壁岛国有一款画风玩法都与之有异曲同工之妙的横版卷轴闯关新游《涂鸦兔子》在iOS/安卓上线,诸位不妨一起来了解一下↓ 《涂鸦兔子》:【安卓版下载】【iOS版下载】 游戏的为玩家设置目标很简单,就是扮演一只滚圆肥美的软萌白兔在森林中奔...

The series of the game, "doodle jump" may be a lot of people are familiar with. Recently the next island state a painting style have the same effect with the horizontal version scroll recruit XinYou "graffiti rabbit" in iOS/android online, you might as well come to know about the left "graffiti rabbit" : the android version download the iOS version download 】 【 】 set goal is simple for players of the game, is played a beautiful soft fluff of rabbit run in the forest...