新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙图借穿越火线挽回颜面 比腾讯的CF穿越火线更酷..

龙图借穿越火线挽回颜面 比腾讯的CF穿越火线更酷..

By borrowing through firewire save face more cool than tencent CF through wire..

2016-01-06 14:52:40来源: TechWeb

去年12月初,腾讯联合《穿越火线》开发商Smilegate推出了CF手游《穿越火线:枪战王者》,地图、角色造型忠实还原PC版,依旧是FPS第一人称射击游戏。 而在昨日的2016游戏新品发布会上,龙图也宣布与Smilegate合作,推出正版TPS手游《穿越火线:重返战场》,将于1月7日正...

In early December, tencent joint through the wire "developers Smilegate launched CF mobile game king through the wire: shooting, maps, role modelling faithful restore PC version, is still a FPS first-person shooter. In yesterday's new conference 2016 games, three announced a collaboration with Smilegate, launch the original TPS mobile game "across the wire: back to the battlefield, on January 7, is...