新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大数据盘点 传奇永恒精英测试十大事件

大数据盘点 传奇永恒精英测试十大事件

Big data inventory Eternal legend elite test ten big events

2015-12-23 11:24:02来源: 新浪

距离《传奇永恒》1210的精英测试已经有一段时日了,这段时间小伙伴们夜以继日的反馈和处理大家提交的问题之余,也颇有闲情逸致的整理了十个重大事件,望在这段游戏空窗期能博各位玩家一笑! 1、终极红名与乱葬岗 人在江湖飘,哪能不挨刀?强效太阳水,补蓝补血有奇效。挨了一刀吃一包,还想再挨...

Distance "eternal legend 1210 elite test already has for some time, this paragraph of time friends day and night of feedback and deal with the problem you submitted, also have interest to organize the ten major event, hope can in this period of the game window period of bo each player a smile! 1, the ultimate red name and graves People in river's lake wave, which can not get knife? Powerful solar water, fill the blue blood work wonders. Got a knife to eat a bag of, also want to get...

标签: 大数据