新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里云获2015年中国“游戏十强”云计算重塑游戏..


Ali cloud was in 2015 China's top ten games, cloud computing reshape the game..

2015-12-17 16:39:06来源: 新浪

12月15日,由国家新闻出版广电总局主管,中国音像与数字出版协会主办的2015年度游戏产业年会在中国博鳌隆重召开。在本次游戏产业年会“游戏十强”盛典上,阿里云计算有限公司荣膺中国“游戏十强”大奖之“2015年度中国游戏产业服务商”奖,阿里云也成为首个获此殊荣的云计算厂商。 “中国‘游...

December 15th, by the State Press and Publication Administration of radio, China audio and video and Digital Publishing Association hosted the 2015 annual games industry will be held in Boao, china. Will be in the game industry, "game 10 strong" ceremony, Ali cloud computing Co., Ltd. was awarded the "top ten game" award of China "2015 annual China game industry service provider" award, Ali cloud has become first won the award of cloud computing vendors. "China" tour...

标签: 游戏 阿里云