新关注 > 信息聚合 > 妹子被虐哭?LOL里妹子最痛恨的8个打野英雄!


Sister bettered crying? LOL in sister hate eight wild hero!

2015-12-11 15:43:51来源: 东北网

近日在网络上流行一个韩国美女主播中单发条遭对面打野狮子狗无情针对,甚至被虐哭的视频,不知道小伙伴们是否看过呢?今天我们一起来盘点下那些暴力难防又喜欢死抓中路的打野英雄吧! 心疼妹子,玩个游戏容易吗,这么针对,太可怜了,注定孤一生的节奏啊~~好啦,下面我么你一起来看看有哪些非常凶残、难...

Recently popular on the Internet a single-shot of south Korean female anchors were wild across the poodle relentlessly against, bettered even cry video, don't know whether friends have seen? Today we are together difficult to tally up the violence prevention and wild like death grip the middle hero!!!! Love sister, is it easy for you to play a game and so on, is too poor, doomed to the rhythm of the solitary life ah ~ ~ ok, I? What are you take a look at below very vicious, difficult...

标签: LOL