新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL三大辅助主宰职业赛场,能开能保的万金油之选


LOL three auxiliary dominate the professional arena, able to be able to protect the snake oil of choice

2015-12-11 13:51:34来源: 东北网

说到辅助,你最先想到的英雄是谁?是全能的锤石?分割女王风女?还是残暴的牛头?这三个辅助目前正主宰着英雄联盟职业赛场,而且在我们平时的排位中,这三个英雄的受欢迎度也在日趋提升。 欧洲LCS联赛很能说明这个问题,牛头的ban选率高达81%,53场比赛被选,21场比赛被ban;而风女的胜率...

When it comes to assistance, who first thought you heroes? Almighty hammer stone? Segmentation queen wind woman? Or brutal Tau? Three auxiliary League currently dominates the professional arena, but also in our usual qualifying , the popularity of these three heroes are also increasingly improved. European League LCS is able to explain the problem, Tau ban election rate of 81%, 53 games were selected, 21 games is ban; but the wind woman winning ...

标签: LOL