新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《灵魂契约》星座系统真能改命?


The soul contracts are constellation system can really change life?

2015-12-09 23:39:55来源: 不凡游戏网

对于星座,你信还是不信?对于改变命运,你信还是不信?49You《灵魂契约》星座系统大揭秘,让你目瞪口呆的事实来了! 在游戏中,我们的星座系统依旧还是分为12个星座。但是每个星座被安排的对应一个属性,玩家通过修炼星座可获得属性加成:白羊座(气血)、金牛座(防御)、双子座(闪避)、巨蟹座...

To sign, you believe it or not? To change your fate, you believe it or not? 49 you big reveal "soul contracts" sign system, let you stunned the facts! Still in the game, we sign system is divided into 12 constellations. But each constellation are arranged corresponding to an attribute, the player through the science of uniting the constellation can get bonuses: Aries (qi), the Taurus (defense), Gemini (dodge), cancer...

标签: 星座