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终极雪橇再临齐庆圣诞 经典手游《疯狂喷气机》圣..

The Ultimate Christmas classic Mobile Games sled came together "Crazy" jet st...

2015-12-09 22:28:55来源: 4399

Halfbrick Studios旗下的《疯狂喷气机》(Jetpack Joyride)相信广大玩家定不会陌生,2012年发布的该游戏可谓是手游圈中的常青树,开发商对于这款游戏的更新也从未停止,如今圣诞节的脚步越来越近,《疯狂喷气机》也准时迎来了圣诞节主题更新。 疯狂喷气机 【IO...

Halfbrick studios, owned by the mad jet machine "(the jetpack joyride) believe that the majority of players will not be unfamiliar, 2012 release of the game can be described as hand Swim laps in the evergreen tree, developers for the renewal of the game has never stopped, now Christmas footsteps getting closer," crazy jet "also punctual ushered in the Christmas theme. Crazy jet IO...

标签: 手游