新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL史上重做最成功的英雄TOP5,这个光头居然是第..


LOL redo in the history of the most successful hero TOP5, the bald head was the first..

2015-12-07 19:33:58来源: 东北网

英雄联盟的蓬勃发展离不开补丁的功劳,一代又一代的补丁不断为联盟注入了新鲜的血液,也见证了一个又一个英雄的重做。在这些重做的英雄当中,有的焕发第二春走出低谷,而有的则一蹶不振,就这样被打入冷宫。 剑姬 老玩家们都知道,以前的剑姬有着一头飘逸的红色长发,利刃华尔兹是所有ADC的噩梦。在...

The vigorous development of the hero alliance leave from the function of the patch, generation after generation of patches are for alliance injected fresh blood, also witnessed the redo one hero. Among these redo hero, some second trough, while others collapse, so be in limbo. Jian ji Old players know that sword before she has a head of elegant long red hair, a sword waltz is all the ADC's nightmare. In the...

标签: LOL