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《风暴英雄》黄金联赛小组赛结束 OMG/EDG等队伍..

The storm hero gold league over the OMG/EDG team..

2015-12-04 16:13:20来源: 新广网

12月1-2日,黄金风暴联赛第二赛季完成了小组循环赛最后一轮的赛程。经过三周激烈的比赛后,EDG、eStar、OMG、AHQ、Zero、Bheart、Cloud9以及YL八支战队成功晋级季后赛,他们继续在八强淘汰赛中捉对厮杀,角逐最后的冠军荣耀。 12月2日赛事回顾 YL 0:2...

On December 1-2, golden season second storm when completed the group round robin last round of fixtures. After three weeks of fierce competition, EDG, eStar, OMG, AHQ, Zero, Bheart, Cloud9 and YL eight teams qualifying for the playoffs, they continued in the last eight of the knockout, compete for the final championship glory. Event review on December 2 YL 0-2...