新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国能从暴雪和日漫的IP管理中能学到什么?


Chinese and Japanese from Blizzard Man of IP management in what can be learned?

2015-11-23 23:58:18来源: TechWeb

对于有核心IP的内容提供商来说,根本不用在意所谓的泛娱乐时代,平台越多,回报也就越多。 暴雪就是这样最典型的代表了。在半个月前的暴雪嘉年华上,邓肯琼斯执导的《魔兽》电影预告片放出,预计于明年6月上映。标志着自2006年电影《魔兽》项目正式公布以来,这部历经十年波折的电影终于正式与玩家见...

It has a core IP for content providers, do not care about the more so-called era of pan-entertainment platform, the more rewards. Blizzard is the most typical representative of this. Blizzcon two weeks ago, Duncan Jones directed "Warcraft" movie trailer released, it is expected to be released in June next year. Since 2006 marks the film "World of Warcraft" project was officially announced, after a decade of ups and downs this movie finally see an official with the players ...

标签: 暴雪