新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《西楚霸王》免排队账号被炒至天价


"Concubine" free line account price pushed up to

2015-11-24 10:32:51来源: 新浪

导语:近日,网易全新战争网游《西楚霸王》正式开启不删档测试,首次在同类网游中尝试引入草丛隐身、三路攻防等经典MOBA元素,无疑让热血刺激、场面宏大的万人国战更具策略和技巧。 游戏刚一开测就受到玩家们的高度关注,测试服务器“国士无双”持续爆满,高峰期排队人数每个国家已达近3000人,6...

Lead: Recently, Netease new war games "Concubine," the official does not delete files test, the first attempt to introduce grass hidden in similar games, the three-way attack and defense and other classic MOBA elements will undoubtedly blood stimulation, grand scenes of people the country battle more strategies and techniques. Open test on a game just by the players attention, the test server "Kunio Warriors" continued full, the peak of the line number has reached nearly 3,000 people in each country, 6 ...