新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界7.0版本截图曝光 军团再临发售日期已定

魔兽世界7.0版本截图曝光 军团再临发售日期已定

World of Warcraft 7 version release date has been set exposure Legion return

2015-11-24 09:33:55来源: 中关村在线

随着《WOW》7.0加入测试服,国外的媒体已经开始对客户端进行挖掘,现在测试服7.0数据挖掘又有新内容放出,恶魔猎手的职业大厅环境已经曝光!请大家欣赏。 从早先介绍可知,恶魔猎手是一个类似盗贼却拥有更多群体AOE法术的高等精灵,拥有远程和近战两种攻击能力,并且可以像德鲁伊一样拥有变身特...

With the WOW 7 to join the test service, foreign media have begun to dig the client, and now the test service 7 data mining and new content release, the demon hunter's career hall environment has been exposed! Please enjoy. From the earlier introduced the demon hunter is a similar but more rogue group AOE spells of high elves have ranged and melee two attack ability, and can have the same characteristics as the Druid turned...

标签: 魔兽世界