新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼:大家想在PS4上玩到什么PS2游戏?


SONY: what do you want to play in the PS4 to PS2 game?

2015-11-23 18:24:02来源: 中关村在线

不久前我们报道了索尼在 PS4 中内置了 PS2 模拟器的新闻。这个消息在玩家群体中引起了一阵欢呼,毕竟经典的老游戏实在是太多了。“你想在 PS4 上玩什么 PS2 游戏呢?”索尼问道。 负责与各个独立游戏团队开展合作的索尼 XDev 部门在其官方推特上发问:“你们想在 PS4 上看...

Not long ago we reported that SONY built-in in the PS4 PS2 simulator of news. The news caused a cheering in the gamers, after all, there were too many classic old game. "What do you want to play on PS4 PS2 game?" SONY asked. Responsible for working with individual game team cooperation SONY XDev department on its official twitter asks: "would you like to watch on PS4...

标签: 游戏 索尼 PS4 PS