新关注 > 信息聚合 > SNH48出任上古世纪公会大使 原大陆城战开放

SNH48出任上古世纪公会大使 原大陆城战开放

SNH48 served as the former world war in the ancient city of the former world war games open

2015-11-16 01:00:23来源: 17173

腾讯游戏玩家专属盛会2015腾讯游戏嘉年华(简称TGC2015)于11月13日-15日在上海世博馆举行。重塑想象力史诗级MMO网游《上古世纪》邀请女子偶像团体SNH48担任上古团团长出征TGC! 今天SNH48出席TGC上古展区现场,与玩家展开亲密互动,同时《上古世纪》中国运营团队也...

Tencent game players exclusive event 2015 Tencent games Carnival (TGC2015) in November 13th -15 in Shanghai world expo. Reshape the imagination epic MMO online games "archeage" invited female idol group SNH48 served as the head of the delegation to the TGC! Today SNH48 to attend the TGC ancient exhibition site, and the players to start a close interaction, while the "old century" China's operating team also...