新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爆料爆料良师值将可以兑换境外导标旗啦


Broke the news broke mentor value will be able to exchange foreign beacon flag

2015-11-15 21:27:16来源: 17173

文章 摘要 .良师值可以兑换奖励啦.可以兑换国境和境外导标旗/增加好友上限的道具 良师值可以兑换奖励啦.可以兑换国境和境外导标旗/增加好友上限的道具

abstract. Mentor value can be exchanged for rewards!. can exchange frontiers and overseas beacon flag / friend limit of props and teacher increased value can redeem rewards. Can increase exchange frontiers and overseas beacon flag / friend limit of props