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王者荣耀夏侯惇技能属性详解 不羁之风夏侯惇

The king of glory Xiahou Dun skill attributes explain unruly wind Xiahou Dun

2015-11-14 18:16:03来源: 4399

曹魏开国元勋夏侯惇,在王者荣耀是一名带有吸血能力的战士,那么夏侯惇技能属性如何?下面4399雅熙为大家带来王者荣耀夏侯惇英雄图鉴。 注:信息为体验服版本,一切以游戏正式服为主。 不羁之风-夏侯惇 英雄定位 战士、吸血 英雄属性 生存能力 ★★★★ 攻击伤害 ★★★★★★...

Wei the founding fathers Xiahou Dun, in the glory of the king is a vampiric abilities of soldiers with, then Xiahou Dun skill attributes how to? The following 4399 Yaxi to bring the glory of the king of heroes xhd. Note: information for the experience of the service version, all in order to formally take the game as the main service. Unruly wind Xiahou Dun heroic soldiers positioning, vampire hero attributes survivability]]]] attacks hurt]]]]]].

标签: 王者荣耀