新关注 > 信息聚合 > 怪物猎人OL:卡普空到底从腾讯身上学会了什么


Monster Hunter OL: Karp space in the end from Tencent learned what

2015-11-14 17:56:43来源: 17173

11月14日上午,在2015TGC现场,日本老牌游戏厂商卡普空,出动了包括社长辻本春弘、执行董事小野义德在内的豪华阵容,来为游戏《怪物猎人OL》站台,并在现场宣布《怪物猎人OL》将于11月27日开启不删档测试。 这款曾被一些人认为是用“怪物猎人”IP粗略制作的游戏,在腾讯6年研发,3...

11 month 14 am, in the 2015TGC scene, the Japanese veteran game maker Karp empty, out including the president Tsujimoto Haruhiro, executive director Onokazu, including the luxury lineup, for the game "monster hunter OL" platform, and announced the "monster hunter OL" will open in November 27th does not delete files test. This has been some people think is the use of monster hunter IP rough production of the game, in the 6 years of Tencent R & D, 3...

标签: 怪物猎人 腾讯