新关注 > 信息聚合 > 借力大数据,“黑石奖”开启玩家投票


Leveraging big data, "Blackstone prize" open players to vote

2015-11-13 11:52:35来源: 新浪

几日前,硬核联盟发布了第一届“黑石奖”独特的奖杯造型,“为王者加冕“表达了硬核对获奖者的无上敬意,也凸显了“黑石奖”的高端品质,奖项如何产生自然备受瞩目。 作为硬核联盟年底的重头戏,黑石奖颁奖典礼在奖项设置和奖项评选过程中极为慎重。硬核联盟秘书处介绍,奖项的设置分为行业篇、人物篇、合...

a few days ago, hardcore alliance released the first session of the "Blackstone prize" unique cup shape, "king crowned" expression of the winners of the hard check the supreme honor, but also highlights the "Blackstone" award in the high-end quality, awards to high-profile nature. As at the end of the hardcore alliance highlight Blackstone awards in prizes and awards in the process extremely cautious. The core of the Secretariat of the league, the award set is divided into industry, people...

标签: 玩家 大数据