新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花千骨手游PVE副本作战技巧


Spend thousands of bone hand travel PVE copy operations skills

2015-11-01 14:41:21来源: 4399

小编总结了一些关于《花千骨》正版手游的一些PVE副本作战技巧,希望能够给广大玩家带来帮助! 单人副本——历练副本 在进行历练副本的时候,角色与灵宠的伤害力越高,副本通关的时间也就越短。因此,可以选用白子画、杀阡陌、东华等较高攻击的灵宠。尤其是东华灵宠的身不由己技能,冷却时间短,伤害大...

Xiaobian summarized some about the thousands of bone "genuine hand travel some PVE copy combat skills, I hope to bring help to the majority of players. Single copy -- a copy of the experience in a copy of the experience, the higher the role and spirit pet damage, copy of the clearance time is short. Therefore, can be used to kill Qianmo, albinopainting, Donghua high spirit pet attack. Especially the Donghua spirit pet skills cooling time is short, involuntarily, hurt...

标签: 手游