新关注 > 信息聚合 > Faker:S5赛事夺冠我送西兰花给大家做礼物


Faker:S5 tournament to win and I send broccoli Sagittarius Bang gift

2015-10-31 23:30:43来源: 巴士LOL

SKT的射手Bang,目前KDA榜高居第一,而且是让人恐怖的数据。下面让你了解这名射手,从SKT后补到世界赛KDA之王的历程。 :S5总决赛 随着S5总决赛中,KOO与SKT的首局比赛落幕,SKT射手Bang再次怒刷一波KDA,最终10/0/9的数据不但让本场KDA达到了19,也让...

SKT to everyone. The kDa list ranked first, and is let the terror of the data. Below to let you know this shooter, from the SKT after the king of the world cup KDA. : S5 finals with the S5 finals, Koo and SKT first inning game ended, SKT striker Bang angry again brush wave kDa. The final 10/0/9 data not only let the kDa reached 19, also let...