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Steam钱包余额何去何从? V社:按实时汇率结算

Steam wallet balance go from here? V News Agency: in real-time exchange rate settlement

2015-10-31 09:48:43来源: 4399

前段时间,关于Steam中国区人民币结算的消息铺天盖地,固定汇率、低价区、锁区等等传闻遍地。近日不少用户收到了Steam官方发来的邮件,内容是关于Steam将在近期把国区内的游戏价格专为人民币形式显示,玩家终于可以直观地了解游戏价格了。 而另外一个消息则是Steam钱包里的美元将在11...

some time ago, about the Steam China area, the settlement of the news overwhelming, fixed exchange rate, low price, lock area, etc.. Recently, many users have received the Steam official e-mail, the content is about Steam will be in the country in the near future of the game price specifically for the form of the RMB, the player can finally understand the price of the game. While the other news is that the Steam wallet in the $11...

标签: Steam