新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世纪华通再购游戏公司 拟收点点互动100%股份

世纪华通再购游戏公司 拟收点点互动100%股份

Century Huatong repurchase game company intends to close little interaction of 100% of the shares of

2015-10-30 21:33:18来源: 新浪

10月30日消息,世纪华通集团发布公告称,拟通过包括发行股份购买资产或支付现金等符合相关法律法规规定的方式,收购点点互动(北京)科技游戏公司和DianDian Interactive Holding100%股权。具体金额等细节未透露。 世纪华通的主营业务为汽车用塑料零部件及相关模具的...

10 month 30 days of messages, century Huatong Group issued a public notice that the proposed by including issued shares to buy assets or cash payment in a manner consistent with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the acquisition of little interaction (Beijing) technology game company and DianDian interactive Holding100% equity. Details such as the amount of details not disclosed. Century Huatong main business of plastic parts and related mold of automobile...

标签: 游戏