新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神秘女神代言!《消灭都市》即将来袭!


Mysterious goddess endorsement! "Wipe out the city" is about to hit!

2015-10-30 18:19:48来源: 不凡游戏网

预定11月中旬正式公测的《消灭都市》是一款来自于日本的国民级二次元跑酷手游。杉田智和、花泽香菜携联袂献声,集卡牌、RPG、策略、剧情为一身,让跑酷玩法更添乐趣。 作为一款备受期待的全新跑酷3.0手游巨作,《消灭都市》以华丽、精致的画面,为玩家呈现出了一个无比宏大、惊险万分的现实世界!“...

. Tomokazu Sugita, kana Hanazawa carrying co vocals, truck brand, RPG and strategy, the plot is a body, let Parkour play add fun. As a highly anticipated new Parkour 3.0 mobile games giant, the elimination of the city "by gorgeous, exquisite pictures, for the players presented a very ambitious, extremely thrilling in the real world! "...