新关注 > 信息聚合 > 并不需要Titan!Oculus官方称970便可畅玩VR游戏


No need for Titan! Oculus official said 970 can smooth the VR game

2015-10-22 13:59:55来源: 电玩巴士

VR游戏设备明年将大爆发,不光有PC上的Steam VR,Oculus VR,而且PS4上也有PS VR。和现在的情况类似,玩家在PC上玩VR游戏也需要一个强有力的显卡做支撑,而PS4玩家则似乎不用担心这个问题。那么到底需要一个多好的显卡才能体验呢? 之前NVIDIA的老总老黄曾说过...

VR game equipment next year will be a large outbreak, not only a PC on steam VR, oculus VR and PS4 have PS VR. And the situation is similar to the players on the PC VR game also need a strong graphics support, and PS4 players do not seem to worry about this problem. What need a good graphics card to experience before? NVIDIA said Mister huang...

标签: 游戏 VR Oculus