新关注 > 信息聚合 > EVA等身全球限定手办发售 9万带一个绫波丽回家

EVA等身全球限定手办发售 9万带一个绫波丽回家

EVA copious Global Limited Figurine sold 9 million with a Ayanami REI home to commemorate the anniversary of the

2015-10-21 16:16:36来源: 新浪

EVA20周年纪念之际,官方的纪念活动可谓一个接着一个,就在今天(10月20日),EVA官方表示将发售人气角色绫波丽、明日香、渚薰三人的等身大手办,全球各限量15个。 目前公布的官方价格为172万8000日元一个,折合人民币约9万1千元,三个手办的身高分别为158、157和166,加...

EVA20, official memorial activities can be described as a then a, today (October 20), EVA official said will sell popularity role Ayanami REI, Asuka, kaworu Nagisa three full-length large miniatures, global set limit to 15. Official announced that the current price is 172 million 8000 yen a, equivalent to RMB about 9, 000 yuan, three Miniatures height were 158, 157 and 166.