新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBA官方授权《NBA范特西》 全球首款策略动作篮球

NBA官方授权《NBA范特西》 全球首款策略动作篮球

NBA official authorized the NBA fantasy "world first policy action basketball

2015-10-21 17:00:46来源: 4399

NBA官方授权《NBA范特西》是全球首款策略动作篮球手游!游戏在模拟经营玩法之外加入3D动作元素,完美的展现了NBA现役球员玩家所有最真实的数据。并能够招募到数百名现役NBA球星进行培养,组建属于自己的球队走上巅峰之路。 不同于市面上大多数经理人类体育游戏,《NBA范特西》在保持模拟经...

NBA official authorization the NBA fantasy" is the world's first strategy basketball moves hand tour! Game in outside the business simulation game with 3D action elements, the perfect show active NBA players players all the real data. And be able to recruit hundreds of active NBA players to train, the formation of their own team to go on top of the road. Unlike the majority of the market manager of human sports games, "NBA" in the simulation by keeping fantasy...