新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10月21-26日巫妖王之怒时空漫游地下城开启


On October 21-26, wrath of the Lich King time travel underground city open

2015-10-21 16:29:25来源: 多玩游戏

时空漫游活动回来了!赶快踏上诺森德的征程,探索英雄难度的地下城: 安卡赫特:古代王国 古达克 闪电大厅 魔枢 乌特加德之巅 开始时空漫游之前,别忘了接好假日任务“冰冻的时光之路”。完成任务即可获得一个既定命运印记。 你觉得以上哪个地下城最难呢?请在下方留言,分...

time roaming back! Quickly embark on Northrend's journey to explore the heroic dungeons: before ahn'kahet: ancient kingdom goodacre halls of lightning magic hub Utgarde Pinnacle start time roaming, don't forget to connect the holiday task "frozen time Lu. To complete the task to get a set of destiny. What do you think is the most difficult underground city? Please leave a message below...