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《诛仙3》全明星之夜落幕 资料片10.27公测

The kill celestial being 3 "all star night ended data sheet 10.27 beta

2015-10-21 16:16:36来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 10月20日,《诛仙3》“我回来去未来”大型音乐会在北京保利剧院正式举行。此次音乐会吸引了不少忠实游戏玩家到场,而完美世界COO张云帆、歌手任贤齐、歌手董贞、朱兴东以及南笙均参加了此次活动,他们在音乐会上都献上了对游戏的祝福。 据悉,整场音乐会分为“缘”、“情”、“聚”三...

Sina game news on October 20, the kill celestial being 3" "I'm back to the future" large-scale concert in Beijing Poly theatre held a formal. The concert attracted many loyal gamers arrived at the scene, and perfect world coo Zhang Yunfan, singer Richie, singer Dong Zhen, Zhu Xingdong and Nan Sheng have participated in the event, they in the concert are offered a blessing to the game. It is reported that the concert is divided into the edge, love, poly three...

标签: 诛仙