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X字报:只有一条命的FPS 星战前线新模式曝光

X word report: only a lives FPS Star Wars Battlefront new pattern exposure

2015-10-21 15:43:39来源: 178游戏网

我们一起扒一扒每日新游要闻:只有一条命的FPS《One Life》,《星战前线》新模式曝光,《街头霸王5》第二期beta测试详细流程公布,《九阳神功》PC版10月30日开启首测,《文明OL》官方大爆料。 ◆只有一条命的FPS《One Life》。 “你是要做一辈子的懦夫,还是英雄...

together we grilled grilled a travelogue Daily News: only the lives of FPS "one life", star wars battlefront "new mode of exposure and the street fighter 5" the second phase of the beta test with process announced, the PC version of the "Nine Yang magic," October 30, open the first test, the civilization ol "official broke the news. I have only one life to the "FPS One Life". "You want to be a lifetime of a coward, or a hero...

标签: PS