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炉石传说日语版语音包如何更换 更换日文语音包教程

How to replace the replacement for Japanese speech packet tutorial

2015-10-21 11:37:58来源: 4399

炉石传说新补丁上线,战歌指挥官最终还是难逃被削弱的命运,这也意味着叱咤风云的一代天梯霸主“奴隶战”就此陨落。另外值得一提的是随着新补丁上线,也带来了全新《炉石传说》日语版语音包,下面阿三就为大家简单的介绍一下如果将炉石传说中的配音更换为日语版。 注意更换为日语版后,除了卡牌英雄语音改变...

legend of furnace slag patch on-line the hearthstone Japanese version of the voice package, Warsong commander eventually escape is weakened by the fate, this also means that dominated the generation ladder overlord "slave war" this fall. Also worth mentioning is with the new patch on the line, it also brings a new "hearthstone" Japanese version of voice packets, the presentation of the following three simple for everyone if hearthstone dubbing for the Japanese version of replacement. Note after the replacement for the Japanese version, in addition to the card Card Hero voice change...

标签: 炉石传说