新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015全球总决赛第三日:最佳五人评选


2015 global finals for the third day: game

2015-10-04 06:15:12来源: 锐派游戏

今天的比赛,对于LPL战队是一个重大打击,三战全负,希望LPL战队调整好心态,打好后边的比赛。 下面进行今日最佳五人的评选。 上单Marin 本来昨天,Marin就有机会入选。今天的Marin,拿出鳄鱼来抗拒AJ的诺手,这一手鳄鱼震惊了观众。同时这个鳄鱼也送给了EDG的首败。今天M...

sharp, for LPL Corps is a major blow, three fight all the negative, in the hope that LPL team adjust good mentality, playing behind a good game. Below for today's best selection of five people. On the single Marin was yesterday, Marin will have the opportunity to be selected. Today's Marin, come up with a crocodile to resist the AJ's promise, the crocodile shocked the audience. At the same time this crocodile also gave the first EDG. Today M...