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一帧一壁纸 《狂野星球》 超燃宣传片曝光

A frame of a wallpaper "Wild Planet" scramjet Promo

2015-09-30 14:17:39来源: 178游戏网

178新游戏频道讯,《狂野星球》美服正式转型为免费游戏,同期放出了一段精彩的游戏宣传片,用诙谐幽默的故事与精彩的剪辑为大家展示了游戏的诸多玩法,最重要的是传说中的一帧一壁纸,赶紧来先睹为快吧! 目前该游戏的国服由巨人网络代理,尚未公布收费策略。

178 a new game channel news exposure, "Wild Planet" serving the United States officially transformed into a free to play game. At the same time, released a wonderful game videos, humorous stories and wonderful clip for everyone to show shows many play of the game, the most important is legend in a frame of a wallpaper, hurry to preview it. Currently, the kingdom of the game service by the giant network agent, has not yet announced pricing strategy.

标签: 壁纸