新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿越火线手游日常任务有哪些 日常任务快速完成技巧

穿越火线手游日常任务有哪些 日常任务快速完成技巧

Hand through the fire hand travel daily tasks have to quickly complete the daily tasks of skills

2015-09-30 06:14:33来源: 4399

在CF穿越火线手游中,玩家们每天都可以通过完成一些日常任务来获得奖励,那么玩家们每天要完成哪些任务,哪些任务比较简单值得玩家先做的,下面4399东东为玩家们整理分享。 【任务内容】 1、PVP模式中获得首胜(非人机),进入对战中可以寻找正在比赛的房间,不管你是一开始就进入战斗中或是中...

in the CF cross the line of hand travel, players can get through daily tasks to complete some of the daily tasks, then the players to complete what tasks, which tasks are more simple values, the following 4399 things for players to share. Task content: 1, the PVP model obtains the first victory (non - machine), entering the room that is being played in the game, whether you are in the fight or in the beginning...

标签: 手游 穿越火线