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金秋国庆喜相逢 九阴真经双节福利来袭

Golden autumn National Day xixiangfeng Jiuyin Zhenjing double welfare struck

2015-09-26 05:41:34来源: 游久网

【游久网9月25日消息】近日,《九阴真经》新版本“唯我独尊”与“中秋节”、“国庆节”将携手来袭。在这“双节”即将来临之际,一大波福利已经席卷武林!据小编了解,这次的福利除了“上等兵录”、“月饼”之外,更有神秘的“回乡礼物”哦!各位大侠快来小编这里看看福利详情吧! 【今宵何人共婵娟 碧...

[swim long net on September 25 news recently, "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" new version "overweening" and "Mid Autumn Festival", "National Day" will work together to hit. In this "double" is approaching, a large wave of welfare has swept through the martial arts! According to understanding, the welfare in addition to the "Lance Corporal recorded", "moon cakes", more mysterious "homecoming gift" Oh! Heroes come and have a look here Xiaobian welfare details now! [who were lovely blue tonight...