熊出没之保卫家园2每一个关卡都可以获得三星,每关获得三星的条件都不一样,那么第5-2关获得三星的条件是什么?第5-2关如何获得三星?请看小编为大家带来的熊出没之保卫家园2第5-2关三星通关攻略! ▍视频攻略 ▍通关攻略 【三星条件】一星:通关即可。二星:50秒内消灭3个轮船,满血通...
bear infested with the security of the home of the two can get each level of Samsung, Samsung's conditions are not the same, then what is the condition of Samsung? How do 5-2 get Samsung? Please look at the small make up for everyone to bring the bear infested the 2 the 5-2 of the customs clearance! Man man video Raiders [Samsung] clearance Raiders Star: clearance to condition. Liz: 50 seconds to kill 3 ships, full of blood...