新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷神笔记本为什么要出大圣版电竞座椅?


The notebook why a version of King gaming seat? On 31

2015-09-21 21:04:23来源: 中关村在线

8月31日,雷神笔记本借电影《西游记之大圣归来》风靡之时开启新一轮京东众筹,不仅火了大圣定制版悟空本,也带火了一起参与众筹的大圣版电竞座椅。 大圣版电竞座椅被称为是"一把舒服到不想站起来的椅子",你可能会觉得夸张,但这话却一点不假。坐得舒服游戏才能玩出高水平,电竞座椅的舒适与否会直接...

8 month, Raytheon notebook by movie "journey to the west of the Mahatma return" popular when opening a new round of Jingdong all raise, not only was the Dasheng Wukong customized version of the, also with the fire of the with the participation of all the chips of Mahatma edition gaming seat. Mahatma edition gaming seat is known as "the comfortable to do not want to stand up the chair", you may feel exaggerated, but but the word a bit not false. Sitting comfortably game to play a high level of gaming, seat comfort or not will directly...

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