新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Astra》本周四上架苹果商店


"Astra" Thursday shelves Apple store

2015-09-21 17:44:58来源: TechWeb

在人类的神话世界当中,古希腊神话一直占据着非常重要的地位,而以希腊众神为题材的影视作品和游戏作品也是数不胜数,这些游戏常常以其独特的神话世界吸引着玩家们的关注。而近日游戏开发商 Fabuloso Games 公布了一款以白昼神赫墨拉为主角的跑酷游戏《Astra》。 在游戏当中玩家需要扮...

in humans in the world of myth, the ancient Greek myth has been dominated by very important position, and to the Greek gods as the theme of the films and games are also numerous, these games often to its unique myth world attracts players attention. Recently, game developer Fabuloso Games announced a day to God as the protagonist of the Hemera Parkour game "Astra". Players need to play in the game...

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