新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开启测试!多人合作FPS 《战锤:末世鼠疫》

开启测试!多人合作FPS 《战锤:末世鼠疫》

Open test! Multiplayer FPS Warhammer: Apocalyptic plague "

2015-09-21 17:06:24来源: TechWeb

多人合作FPS 《战锤:末世鼠疫》开启beta申请 《战锤:末世鼠疫》 国外动作题材网游《战锤:末世鼠疫》于近期宣布了游戏正式开启测试的消息,本次测试将帮助这款游戏的开发团队整体性地提高游戏体验。 据了解,本次测试将分为内测和公开测试两部分。而关于两次测试的细节在以下环节中进行了...

people collaboration FPS Warhammer: Apocalyptic plague" open beta for the Warhammer: Apocalyptic plague "foreign action theme online games Warhammer: Apocalyptic plague" recently announced the Games officially open the test message, this test will help this game development team to improve the game experience. It is understood, this test will be divided into two parts and open beta test. And the details of the two tests were carried out in the following steps...

标签: PS