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《圣斗士星矢》神の乐章10.16公测 新版本前瞻

"Saint Seiya" God [in Japanese movement 10.16 new beta version of prospective

2015-09-21 16:54:21来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 9月21日消息,完美世界3D动漫战斗网游《圣斗士星矢》最新版本“神の乐章”将于10月16日开启公测,届时带来新职业天琴座和黄金神衣两大全新神级内容,以及两个新副本、新圣域银都市等六大新内容。 一、两大全新神级内容 新职业天琴座 《圣斗士星矢》即将迎来全新篇章“神の...

Sina Game News September 21 News, perfect world of 3D animation fighting game "Saint Seiya" the latest version of the "God of movement" will on October 16 open beta, then bring new career Lyra and gold God clothes two new level of God, and two new copies, the new sanctuary Silver City six new content. One or two new God new occupation "Saint Seiya Lyra" will usher in a new chapter of God "...