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试手新超能 《全球使命2》统治级武器登场

Try new super "Global Mission 2" rule of weapons grade debut

2015-09-21 16:48:20来源: 17173

超能家族即将增添新成员啦!自《全球使命2》超能系列武器参战以来,其独特的外观设计、惊艳的动态光影呈现、特殊的攻击效果颇受玩家拥簇。随着新超能的强势加入,在武器上的选择将更加多样化。让我们一起来回顾下历代中大放异彩的超能武器! 超能家族简史 拥有高爆发、高威力,能够轻松搞定 “城管哥...

super family is to add new members!! since as early as the "Global Mission 2" Super Series weapon in the war, showing its unique appearance design, dynamic lighting, special attack effect popular internationally owned clusters. With the new super strong join, in the choice of weapons will be more diversified. Let us together to review under the successive shine super weapons! Super family history has a high explosive, high power, can easily fix "elder brother chased...