新关注 > 信息聚合 > 完美世界新作代号UW曝光 进军休闲竞技领域

完美世界新作代号UW曝光 进军休闲竞技领域

Perfect world new code UW exposure to enter the field of leisure and sports

2015-09-18 18:32:03来源: 17173

9月18日消息,完美世界今日上线了一个域名为http://uw.wanmei.com新品悬念站。悬念站以星空搭配星座为主元素,以“未来‘竞’更加爽快”为主题,提出了“第三人称休闲竞技游戏--TCS”的新概念 悬念站截图 为此,17173记者询问了完美世界的工作人员,但目前能透露的信...

9 18, the perfect world today on the line a domain name for the new http://uw.wanmei.com suspense station. Suspense station to star match constellation elements, to "the future of 'race' more refreshing" as the theme, put forward "the third person suspense the new concepts of casual sports game --TCS" station screenshot for, 17173 reporter asked the staff of a perfect world, but it can reveal the letter...

标签: 完美世界