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专访柳岩:游戏中只玩性感妹子 从不卖萌求带

Interview with Liu Yan: game only play sexy sister never sell sprout for belt

2015-09-18 11:58:10来源: 17173

拥有“胸悍”傲人身材的柳岩,近日宣布将作为出品人参与到《传奇世界》影视计划中。这并不是这位“性感女神”第一次与游戏的交集,在2014年,柳岩就曾出任WCA(世界电子竞技大赛)的形象大使。 那么在工作之外,柳岩是否同样喜欢游戏?会在网上撒娇卖萌求人带吗?性感的她,在游戏中是否喜欢同样性...

have "chest defended" proud figure Liuyan, recently announced that it will as a producer of ginseng and into the "world of legend" television program. This is not the "sexy goddess" first and the intersection of the game, in 2014, Liu Yan has served as WCA (the world's electronic competition), the image of the ambassador. So, in addition to work, Liu Yan also like games? He will act in pettish act loving with the Internet? Sexy, whether you like the game in the same sex...

标签: 游戏