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CF手游什么时候出 CF手游什么时候可以玩

CF tour when the CF swim when can play a hand tour of the

2015-09-18 11:23:38来源: 4399

CF手游是一款将PC端穿越火线原汁原味的搬到手机端的FPS手游,CF手游采用第一人称可移动射击,另外双摇杆的虚拟键位,让玩家更好的体验到fps手游的激情。 CF手游什么时候出? CF手游将会在9月21日开启首测,玩家可以在官网中进行抽测资格预约,只有获得预约资格之后才能进入,点击进入...

CF is a the PC through FireWire authentic moved to mobile terminal FPS tour, CF tour the first person shooters move, also double rocker virtual keys, let players a better experience to FPS hand tour of the passion. CF when the hand travel? CF hand travel will open the first test in September 21st, the player can be in the official website of the qualification booking, only to get an appointment to enter the...

标签: 手游 CF