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登上游戏梦想舞台 第二届Playstation开发者大赛..

Board Games dream stage the second Playstation developer contest..

2015-09-14 15:56:27来源: 新浪

由于众所周知的原因,中国市场游离在世界主机游戏大环境外已经多年,“中国能不能做出好的主机游戏”无疑是众多主机游戏玩家心中最大的疑问。伴随着年初主机游戏市场的解禁,中国的主机游戏产业开始重新起步,“迟来总比不来好”,相信每一名中国玩家都期待着有朝一日,中国也能做出属于自己的主机游戏大作。 ...

due to reasons known to all, the Chinese market free in host game world macrocyclic overseas has been for many years, "China can make a good host game is undoubtedly many host gamers of the hearts of the biggest questions. With the beginning of the end of the console game market in the ban, China's console game industry began to start again, the better than not to come, I believe that every Chinese players are looking forward to one day, China can make their own console games. ...

标签: 游戏