新关注 > 信息聚合 > [文章] Sky知乎回答: 000天赋惊人,比Moon难对付

[文章] Sky知乎回答: 000天赋惊人,比Moon难对付

[article] sky almost know the answer: 000 amazing talent, than the moon difficult to deal with sharp

2015-09-12 23:00:33来源: 锐派游戏

网友在知乎上提问:如何评价war3职业选手TH000? 看到有人问moon,却没有搜到th000的问题。请了解000的人作答@infi,于是天王就站出来作答了。 原文如下: 000是我认识的一个天才少年,他的天赋绝对是惊人的。 为什么这么说呢,可以对比下FLY,我第一次去平台...

friends in almost questions: how to evaluate war3 Pro th000? See some people ask moon, but not found the problem of th000. Please understand 000 of the people to answer @infi, so the king stood up to answer. 000 is a gifted boy I know, his talent is absolutely amazing. Why do you say that, you can compare the FLY, the first time I go to the platform...

标签: 知乎