新关注 > 信息聚合 > 嚼了炫迈的战机《索尼克浪涌》感受速度与激情


Chewing the Xuan Mai fighters and Sonic the hedgehog surge "feel the speed and passion

2015-09-12 17:36:39来源: 4399

无限跑酷大家玩过不少,不过,就像嚼了炫迈一样根本停不下来的,可能还得属《索尼克浪涌》(Sonic Surge)最带感。目前该游戏已经正式登陆安卓及iOS平台啦! 索尼克浪涌【安卓版下载】【iOS版下载】 游戏中,玩家们需要控制一驾三角形战机在无限的赛道上疾驰。赛道分为左中右三部分,玩...

infinite Parkour you played a lot, however, like chewing the same step Hyun did not stop, may is the sonic surge" (sonic surge) with a sense of. At present the game has officially landed in IOS and Android!! sonic surge [Android version download] [IOS version download] in the game, players need to control a driving triangle fighter gallop on infinite track. The track is divided into three parts left to right, play...

标签: 索尼 索尼克