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“超级游戏黑马”沙龙: 一举锁定王牌产品

"Game of the super dark horse" salon: in one fell swoop locking flagship product

2015-09-09 13:55:45来源: 07073游戏网

2015年9月11日由中国游戏产业网联合业内大佬及数位游戏精英举办“超级游戏黑马”沙龙巡展路演活动即将开始“超级游戏黑马”系列沙龙活动搭建CP与资方交流合作的的平台,制造一场属于“千里马”和“伯乐”的邂逅,实现多方共赢。 由中国游戏产业网主办的“超级游戏黑马——助力中小游戏CP融资、...

2015 on September 11 2001 by the Chinese game industry network joint industry bigwigs and digital game elite held "game Super dark horse" salon tour roadshow will start game Super dark horse series salon CP and information exchanges and cooperation to build a platform, making a belonging to the "maxima" and "Bole" encounter to achieve win-win situation. Sponsored by the China game industry network, the super game dark horse - help small and medium game CP financing,...

标签: 游戏