新关注 > 信息聚合 > HGT新阵容确定:XDD加入 原队伍仅剩Air和秀秀

HGT新阵容确定:XDD加入 原队伍仅剩Air和秀秀

Determine the new lineup of HGT: XDD join team remaining air and Xiu Xiu

2015-09-04 17:50:47来源: 游久网

转会期濒临结束,HGT的新名单也正是出炉,原Wings战队的XDD加入,原HGT的队员仅剩Air和秀秀两人。.. TI5中国区预选赛的失利让ZSMJ失去了参加TI的机会。之前就有爆料称ZSMJ已经离开了HGT战队,随后KAKA宣布加盟了EHOME,马甲哥的去向变得扑朔迷离。 9月...

move near the end, the new list of HGT is released, to join the Corps of the original wings XDD, original HGT players remaining air and Xiu Xiu. TI5 China area of the failure of the ZSMJ to lose the opportunity to participate in TI. Before has claimed that zsmj has left the HGT corps, then Kaka announced joining EHOME, Ma3 jia3 elder brother's whereabouts has become complicated and confusing. September...

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